about us

The Stroke Survivors Foundation (SSF) was established in 2010. SSF is registered as a Non-Profit Organisation and Public Benefit Organisation in terms of section 18A and section 30(3) of the Income Tax Act, no 58 of 1962.

A stroke patient, whilst still being treated in hospital, receives lifesaving medical care and treatment. However, upon discharge, this focused care and treatment vanishes, as most stroke survivors would attest that living with the devastating impact of stroke only begins once you are discharged from hospital.

The SSF has introduced multiple innovative and specific digital platforms, namely the Post Discharge Stroke Support (PDSS) community and the Strokefocus mobile app. These solutions provide support solutions to address the issues of individual, societal and structural drivers of post hospital discharge support and care.

PDSS community bridges the gap that exists between hospital discharge and life changing support and care, which is essential post-stroke. We provide peer support to stroke survivors, carers and family members, as well as people with disability, of all ages and life stages.

We provide access to a comprehensive community of stakeholders, enabling them to confidently embrace life post-stroke, and allowing them to regain their dignity and pride. This will provide stroke survivors their much-needed self-belief, thus easing their re-entry back into society.
SSF seeks to introduce policy change and list PDSS as a standard operation procedure in both, public and private hospitals. PDSS referral programs will allow for every stroke patient to be referred to the SSF in order to bridge the gap and prevent stroke survivors being ‘lost in the wind’ without continued care and support, as is the current status quo. Through its vision of promoting equity and building capacity in South Africa and on the continent, the foundation will continue to work in bridging this gap.

Onset of a stroke, time is of the essence (BEFAST), and if treated appropriately and timeously, the impact of the stroke can be greatly reduced, and could save lives, as well as the future livelihood of the victims and their families. The SSF aims to educate the larger population as well as professionals and medical practitioners on the importance of correctly identifying stroke. This aims to equipping people with the necessary skills to correctly treat victims and reduce the impact and burden of stroke.

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